Kiersten: Our Friend & Athlete With an ACL Tear
We recently had a visit from an athlete we love. She's trained with us in the past.
She’s dedicated and witty.
Her talent on her college basketball team proves that you don’t have to be tall to have a money jumpshot.
But right now, she’s facing a tough injury.
Torn ACL and meniscus + MCL sprain...
She visited Excelsior pre-surgery to talk over the incident, recovery, and ideas to keep everything else moving in the meantime.
Her supporting leg, the one doing all the work on crutches, was aching so much.
And she couldn't figure out how to do hip CARs for that leg, because she couldn't bear weight or even lay on her side on the injured leg.
She was also needing some support understanding her medical documents which tell the results of her MRI. She just wants to keep everything moving while awaiting surgery.
We helped her rig up a way to do hip CARs on her non-injured leg, using the support of a table or bench.
Then, we helped her figure out how she could keep moving the rest of her joints and muscles while she's not able to train with her team.
We talked over her MRI results together, and did an evaluation of the injury site.
We talked about ways Excelsior could be an additional support to her during upcoming post-surgery rehab.
It was FULL hour. And we're so glad we could be there as a small support to her during this challenge.
Her attitude about this whole ordeal is ADMIRABLE!
She WILL recover.
Stay tuned for updates on her progress.
If you've been injured or are recovering like one of our favorite basketball athletes-- or if you're just running into a wall in pain, mobility, or training-- set up a consult with us! We'll meet you where you're at. And help you troubleshoot ways to NOT have to stay there.