Slow Down. Spin the Femur.


The head of the femur bone is the ball that sits within the hip socket. The primary movement of any ball and socket joint is ROTATION (unlike a hinge joint such as the elbow, whose primary function is the linear movements of flexion and extension).

The hip can rotate INTERNALLY (hip bone turning inward in the socket) and EXTERNALLY (hip bone turning outward in the socket).

Rotation of the hip is essential for pain-free hip function. And has a major affect on the joints both north and south of the hip (the spine and knee).

The HIP CAR is a movement path that isolates the hip socket, and focuses on expressing and increasing hip rotation throughout the hip's other more linear movements (flexion/extension, etc.).

Rotation LEADS the Hip CAR. Learn to squeeze for rotation throughout the entire CAR: external rotation at the front of the CAR, internal rotation at the back of the CAR.

ALWAYS BE ROTATING as much as possible in the hip CAR, no matter your base position (side-lying, kneeling, quadruped, standing).